Thursday, March 1, 2007

What is Erasmophosis?

What the... is Erasmorphosis? What kind of blog is this, you might ask yourselves...

First of all, who is Erasmus? Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus was a late 15th century Dutch humanist and theologian, born at Rotterdam. This guy did a lot of studying, traveling and writing. But that's another story, anyway.

So, what is Erasmus?
A lot of things. But when I think about Erasmus I think about 6 wonderful months of my life. I think about Erasmus as this extraordinary mobility programme that after 500 years decided to revigorate the desideria of Erasmus of traveling while studying, or vice versa, studying while traveling.

Erasmorphosis? What kind of word is this?
Sooner or later we''ll all erasmorphosise, I'm telling you! We'll all get the big picture that Europe is nothing but a huge country with different regions and dialects...


Alexandra said...

Probabil ca nu e politicos sa schimbi limba de conversatie, dar ma simt foarte "nationalista" acum (v. postul cu ungaria:D), asa ca voi scrie in romana.

Ei bine, n-am fost si cel mai probabil nu voi fi erasmus, dar cred ca inteleg destul de bine ce vrei sa spui. M-a cucerit si pe mine o scoala internationala si de atunci am inteles cat e de important sa ne.. cunoastem in primul rand.

Stiu foarte bine senzatia accea imbatatoare pe care o ai, ca deja nu mai esti roman, francez, maghiar, sarb sau mai stiu eu ce... In clipele acelea, suntem cu totii acelasi popor, avem aceeasi limba, chiar daca ea se mai bazeaza uneori si pe explicatii gestuale:)) E un fel de: "Lumea e a noastra, si nimeni nu ne-o poate lua". E o senzatie minunata, dar la intoarcerea acasa dispare inevitabil... Acasa suntem ai familiei, ai prietenilor, ai obligatiilor. Libertatea de a fi "universal" dispare.

Mi-o mai regasesc uneori cand ma uit pe poze sau mai vorbesc cu ei, cei de "acolo".

Florin said...

congrats for the blog ol' man, i wish you many interesting posts - good start :)

Anonymous said...

erasmus is more than a possibility of studying abroad, it is a complex experience that can change your life and which cannot be described in words ... you just have to experience erasmus if you want to understand what is all about